Hey All! Things have finally settled down around here and I am finally all caught up. This year AVN was very beneficial for me to attend. Not only did I get to meet a bunch of industry people that I have wanted to for awhile, and connect with a ton of other performers, but I was also successful at booking models for my customs and creating content with some great talent. I had 7 customs to film total and everyone showed up, which when booking models during a convention, can be tricky. Things come up, people get sick, drunk, distracted, so you never know if you’re going to have a scheduling nightmare or not. Thankfully everyone was on time and ready to shoot! Love it!
Most of you know that I am originally from Las Vegas, so going there for work and as a “tourist” was a different feeling. I am not used to answering Uber driver’s enquiries as to were I am from with a completely different city name, so that took some getting used to. I arrived the Friday before the convention to relax over the weekend and ease my way into the busy up coming week. My close friend Mordred, and local Vegas assistant picked me up from the airport and I immediately started handling things. My first stop was to get waxed, and then to get to the hotel before going for sushi. A few weeks before Mordred had sent Me pics of his sushi boats at a local sushi restaurant, and i couldn’t get the thought of it out of my head! We ended up eating at a place called Sushi Takashi. It was amazing! It was something I needed after being in Pittsburgh with no sushi options close to me.

After sushi, we went over to bar 595 and had a few beers. This is one of my favorite bars for craft beer in Las Vegas. They have a wide selection to choose from, and it’s not just the typical bar fare. I am a huge fan of stouts and porters and this bar does not disappoint with it’s brews.
We called it an early night Friday, but Saturday night we went back out. Now, most people, when visiting Vegas, would be super happy to be given the opportunity to go dancing at a huge nightclub, but not I. I am a total 80’s girl, and can usually be found at the local goth club dancing to those great 80’s New Wave hits, and that’s what we ended up doing. I hadn’t been to Scarlet, Las Vegas’ premiere goth night, since I had left town in the fall, so it was a great way for me to see old friends I hadn’t seen for awhile and catch up with my DJ buddy Styles.
Basically, we had a super fun time relaxing before mayhem and madness came rushing upon us on Monday! I’ll be laying that all out in my next post as well as some BTS photos of shenanigans. Stay tuned for the next blog post!